Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've been working for almost a year on a graphic novel entitled Mad Meat.

In this note are 5 sample pages from the first issue (of 6.) The samples are taken from pages 30-34 of the story, so it probably won't make much sense to anyone. They're basically just to give a taste of the art style. All of the artwork was created by Alperen Kahraman, one of Istanbul's finest artists.

The pages are taken from a publishing proposal that I'm currently shopping around to publishing houses. I started mailing out proposals on June 6th but haven't heard anything back yet. However, it's not uncommon to wait 3-4 months to hear back from a publisher.

If you'd like to read a bit about the creation of the book, click here:


A small group of sanitation night-crew workers find themselves locked inside the meat packing plant they are hired to regularly clean. While working, they discover that the plant's day crew has been transformed into violent, savage monsters from a new mutated strain of mad cow disease introduced into the plant's meat supply. Realizing they only have until sunrise to escape the building before the next day's crew arrives and releases the infection, the men battle across the plant's multitude of boilers, grinders, and packagers to escape the infection and warn the world without becoming packaged goods themselves.

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